Carbon Farming is a whole farm approach to optimizing carbon capture on working landscapes by implementing practices that are known to improve the rate at which CO2 is removed from the atmosphere and stored in plant material and/or soil organic matter. Carbon Farming is a framework for engaging with the agroecosystem processes that drive system change. Carbon farming explicitly recognizes that it is solar energy that drives farm ecosystem dynamics and that carbon is the carrier of that energy within the farm system. Carbon farming is synonymous with the term ”regenerative agriculture” when that term is explicitly rooted in an understanding of the underlying system dynamics and positive feedback processes that actually make a “regenerative” upward spiral of soil fertility and farm productivity possible.
Product + Services
- Botanical Extracts33 products
- Absolute Oils11 product
- Carrier Oils11 product
- Essential Oils11 product
- National Federation Membership22 products
- Common Share Capital11 product
- Membership Fee11 product
- Support a Farm with 1M88 products
- Agarwood11 product
- Avocado11 product
- Cinnamon11 product
- Elemi (Piling Liitan)11 product
- Kalachuchi11 product
- Nutmeg11 product
- Sandalwood11 product
- Ylang ylang11 product