Entrepreneurial Venture

There are five ways an individual can venture into the business of Agarwood production. But before we proceed, allow me to define Entrepreneurial venture, this is a business activity that places innovation and opportunism at its heart in order to produce economic or social value. An entrepreneurial venture pursues opportunities, and it is characterized by innovative practices, and has value-creation and growth as its main goals.

Backyard Farming. Is a farming method that involves using small plots of land to grow Agarwood efficiently by an individual farmer. It’s based on the idea of maximizing productivity on a limited amount of space, by using intensive planting methods, crop rotation, companion planting, and other sustainable farming practices.

Cooperative Farming. Is another farming method of an individual farmers grouping together with a common bond of interest, who have voluntarily joined to achieve their social, economic, and cultural needs and aspirations by making equitable contributions to the capital required, patronizing their products and services and accepting a fair share of the risks and benefits of the undertaking in accordance with universally accepted cooperative principles.

Associational Farming. The third farming method that involves using big plots of land to grow Agarwood efficiently by a corporation. Association shall operate for such purposes as safeguarding growers’ rights and interests, enhancing growers’ knowledge and skills, boosting the modernization of Agarwood farming, increasing crop yields, improving growers’ livelihood and developing rural economy. 

Dual Currency Deposits. You can venture also in Agarwood production even without involvement in actual farming. A dual currency deposit (or DCD) is a financial instrument structured to help a depositor member take advantage of relative differences in two currencies. It allows a cooperative member to make a deposit in one currency and withdraw the money in a different currency if it is advantageous to do so. This is beneficial to those working abroad to help them invest in agriculture.

Support a Farm with 1M. Another way of getting involved in investing agroforestry particularly Agarwood is, We are looking to solicit support from an individual with excess fund to invest for the expansion of our Agroforestry programs.